
Christmas Bookkeeping Tips

christmas bookkeeping tips

The Christmas season often passes by in a blur, but bookkeeping doesn’t stop! For some industries, the holiday season is a time to slow down and catch up before the New Year rolls around; however, some bookkeepers experience long hours and an extensive workload. Don’t let the extra work increase stress – these Christmas bookkeeping tips will keep you sane and on top of things.

Work in advance – Now is the time to create a to-do list and start working on it. The more you get done before the holiday rush, the more time you have to spend on the in-depth projects. Set up staff pays before leaving the office so you don’t have to worry about it during the rush of the holiday season. Scheduling payments in advance is convenient and the staff will be happy to receive payments on time – though it’s important to make sure none of the scheduled payments fall on a public holiday.

Stay focused – One of the best Christmas bookkeeping tips is to reconcile all of the accounts before you leave the office for the holiday. No one likes to come back to work and wade through a pile of invoices or payments on the first day back – additionally, reconciling accounts as you get them prior to Christmas means the transactions are fresh in your mind and create less room for error.

Set up invoicing – Just because you’re out of the office doesn’t mean invoices should remain unpaid by clients or customers. Send out invoices prior to Christmas so you continue to get paid even when you’ve closed up for the holiday. It’s never good when you forget to invoice a client, and since the Christmas season is busy, there’s always the chance that it could happen. Setting invoices up before the holiday rush keeps things running smoothly.

These Christmas bookkeeping tips are important, but there’s still one more thing to do – relax. Enjoy the holiday season with friends and family, a most joyous time of year!

Contact Galaxi Bookkeeping for a consultation and be sure to visit us on Facebook!

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